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ManageIT brings session on OSLO and CORE vocabularies


Standardisation is the buzz word we use to get lots of data connected.

In municipalities it starts as the closest contact to the citizen and as the organisation who defines the addresses in most countries.
And as we know it is the data around location and persons we most of the time work with in government.

In Flanders we started this difficult process of standardisation at the bottom, where it happens, the municipalities.
And we explained to regional, federal and Europe in an not so easy process with lots of resistance V-ICT-OR managed to deliver the OSLO model.

But also the model will be adopted now by the Flanders government and is used as an example in Europe.
This sessions leads you to the process, from start to adoption, what can you do in your city, your region, your country.

Join ManageIT to hear about this session by Johan Van der Waal - V-ICT-OR