"Moving towards Trustworthy Ecosystems"! Tijdens deze conferentie worden uitdagingen, visies en strategieën, state-of-the art en vooruitzichten op het gebied van informatie- en netwerkbeveiliging én de bestrijding van computercriminaliteit voorgesteld aan een breed publiek van ICT-professionals. Lees hier meer over dit congres (Engels):
The objective of this conference is to present the challenges, visions and strategies, state-of-the art and perspectives in the area of information and network security and the fight against cybercrime to a wider audience of ICT-professionals. The programme includes top experts, policy decision makers, law enforcement officers and industry leaders from Europe, USA and Australia. It will present the state-of-the art of information and network security challenges and solutions.
We will be happy to welcome you as part of the audience of high-level representatives from the public and private sector and from academia. You can find all the details on the congress in the invitation on WWW.B-CCENTRE.BE.
Please register as soon as possible. You can take advantage of the early bird conditions if you enrol before 25 July. In addition, reduced rates are available for members of the co-organisers: B-CCENTRE, FITCE, KU Leuven, iMinds, BELTUG, Febelfin, Agoria, L-Sec, FEB (VBO-FEB), ICC Belgium, ISACA and EEMA.
We very much look forward to welcoming you in Leuven in the first week of September !