The Linked Organization of Local Authority for ICT Societies - LOLA is fier u te mogen uitnodigen voor haar eerste internationale conferentie, die samen met de Citadel projectleiders wordt georganiseerd (Citadel statement) in het Vlaams Parlement. Lees hier waarom deze conferentie voor u een must is:
LOLA is a young international non-profit organization of ICT professional organizations. These associations comprise professionals who work in local authority and other local public service delivery organizations, and their suppliers, in different countries worldwide. LOLA will work collectively and collaboratively to achieve benefits to these organizations, their members and the citizens they serve.
The first LOLA conference offers a unique opportunity to explore how Local Administrations use open standards to make information exchange efficient and effective, allowing them to operate at lower costs and provide better services. The conference will be held in Brussels on 10 October 2013, in the Flemish Parliament.
The morning sessions of the conference will concentrate on Interoptability in practice. We welcome speakers from the European Commission and from each LOLA member country. In the afternoon eloquent speakers will focus on Open Data, practical achievements and challenges. Please read here the preliminary programme and full conference information.